(Below is my article for the March 2018 Salem Church newsletter.)
This month we will journey once more to the cross, the place at which Christians claim history finds its center point. We claim that there, once and for all, the wrongs of history met their match. In the person of Jesus wrong was met and overcome. He rose three days later proving that he destroyed its power.
The wrong we’re talking about is sin. At the heart of what we mean when we talk about sin is a conflict with the eternal, with God himself. It’s this conflict with the eternal that makes sin so serious. The whole message of the Bible is that human beings have become separated from their true source and grounding. Even more than mere separation, we are at odds with our true source, that which is really good, really right, really true. There is a conflict between humanity and God.
This conflict was brought out into the open when humanity put God on the cross. The crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth made plain what’s in the human heart. We are at odds with the one who is The Truth. We need to be saved from ourselves, for to be at odds with The Truth means eternal destruction.
The resurrection reveals that in taking the conflict upon himself Jesus defeated it. I would be lying if I said I had it all figured out, but I am convinced that Jesus became the place where humanity was reconciled to God. When we proclaim this message God himself speaks to people inviting them to fellowship with himself, such is the power of the gospel.
As I’m writing this the world is mourning the loss of Billy Graham, the great Christian evangelist of our time. I didn’t know Billy Graham personally, but I am convinced that he put his faith in the proclamation of the gospel. He obviously believed that if he kept putting the message out there people would respond. You might say he kept the main thing, the main thing.
The gift of this time of the year is that it brings us back to the main thing, the crux of the matter. “Crux” actually comes from the word cross, reminding us that the cross is the heart of it all. Once more God is speaking to us. Do you hear him? He’s saying, I love you, come to me; at the cross you will find rest for your soul. You will be healed.
I encourage you, be renewed in your faith. Contemplate the cross of Christ. Dwell on these things. Share them with others. And, if you haven’t received them for yourself, simply surrender to the truth. Accept what the cross says about yourself and about what God has done to overcome it and then live as a new person, reconciled to God, obedient to him.
Holy Week and Easter Blessings to you all!
This month we will journey once more to the cross, the place at which Christians claim history finds its center point. We claim that there, once and for all, the wrongs of history met their match. In the person of Jesus wrong was met and overcome. He rose three days later proving that he destroyed its power.
The wrong we’re talking about is sin. At the heart of what we mean when we talk about sin is a conflict with the eternal, with God himself. It’s this conflict with the eternal that makes sin so serious. The whole message of the Bible is that human beings have become separated from their true source and grounding. Even more than mere separation, we are at odds with our true source, that which is really good, really right, really true. There is a conflict between humanity and God.
This conflict was brought out into the open when humanity put God on the cross. The crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth made plain what’s in the human heart. We are at odds with the one who is The Truth. We need to be saved from ourselves, for to be at odds with The Truth means eternal destruction.
The resurrection reveals that in taking the conflict upon himself Jesus defeated it. I would be lying if I said I had it all figured out, but I am convinced that Jesus became the place where humanity was reconciled to God. When we proclaim this message God himself speaks to people inviting them to fellowship with himself, such is the power of the gospel.
As I’m writing this the world is mourning the loss of Billy Graham, the great Christian evangelist of our time. I didn’t know Billy Graham personally, but I am convinced that he put his faith in the proclamation of the gospel. He obviously believed that if he kept putting the message out there people would respond. You might say he kept the main thing, the main thing.
The gift of this time of the year is that it brings us back to the main thing, the crux of the matter. “Crux” actually comes from the word cross, reminding us that the cross is the heart of it all. Once more God is speaking to us. Do you hear him? He’s saying, I love you, come to me; at the cross you will find rest for your soul. You will be healed.
I encourage you, be renewed in your faith. Contemplate the cross of Christ. Dwell on these things. Share them with others. And, if you haven’t received them for yourself, simply surrender to the truth. Accept what the cross says about yourself and about what God has done to overcome it and then live as a new person, reconciled to God, obedient to him.
Holy Week and Easter Blessings to you all!
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